Unknown Era
The Unknown Era, also known to some as The Archaic World, is a time before The Recalibration. The entire dimension in which Inventa exists was on the verge of total annihilation due to the Four Destroyers of Worlds.
The group of four destroyers were in the process of framing the god of Undeath for the destructive forces being unleashed on one of the last planets with life. A band of mighty misfits was in the process of working to prevent the extinction event, but would fall to misfortune.
The aim of the Four Destroyers of Worlds were to abolish the material plane, followed by collapsing the strings of the multiverse until only the Abyss was left. As the saviours vanished in a fiery explosion, almost halting the attack of the destroyers, a ripple in the dimensions ceased all life including that of deities.
A Great Elder God, a Dimension Walker known as Medea, entered into the dimension. The beyond-divine-being proceeded to destroy the universe and everything within it, tackling a lot of the multiverse along the way as well, leaving nothing but a blank canvas for a fresh start.
This lead onto a new era in history for this dimension, The Re-Creation.